2024 - What a year!
We wanna say Thank You from the bottom of our heart to all our fans, friends and supporters! Thank you for beeing with us along this musical journey - since 2007!
In 2024 we finally managed to finalise and release a long time project - our 5. album "Drug Of Life". Luckily the CDs arrived the day before our Open-Air Concert and so it legit turns out as an Album-Release Concert - and what can we say - it was a blast! You were a blast! Thank you!
Another highlight this year was our perfomance at the Murinsel in Graz. We´ll never forget this special night at this special place with that great audience. What an experience!
We are deeply grateful for this year 2024 and we are looking forward to drop some new ideas, songs, and performances in 2025.
Stay tuned! The approach
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Welcome to the official website of
> > > The approach < < <
We are artists of music and love to create, produce and perform our own music stuff - music for your heart and soul
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